At St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church, we are a vibrant, multicultural, Catholic community united under one Baptism in Christ. Guided by the Holy Spirit, we are committed to inviting and supporting every member of our parish to encounter Christ anew every day through prayer, the Sacraments, and humble service. We strive to bring to life the words of our mission:
“Place God first in all things. Preach the Gospel and glorify Him by our lives. Love and serve as Christ.”
Working together, we aspire to build a strong parish community where all feel welcome, all belong, and all are inspired by God’s Word to be Jesus’ disciples, transforming those we meet through our faith, hope and love in Christ.
Mass times
Saturday: 5:00PM (Vigil - English)
Sunday: 7:45AM (Bilingual)
10:00AM (English)
12:00PM (Spanish)
5:00PM (English)
7:30PM (Spanish)
Monday: 8:00AM (English)
Tuesday: 8:00AM (English)
5:30PM (Spanish)
Wednesday: 8:00AM (Spanish)
5:30PM (English)
Thursday: 8:00AM (English)
Friday: 8:00AM (English)
monthly masses
Friday: Sacred Heart of Jesus Mass
6:30PM (Spanish)
1st Friday of the Month
Saturday: Immaculate Heart of Mary Mass
8:00AM (English)
1st Saturday of the Month
Sunday: Mass in Vietnamese
3:30PM (Vietnamese)
3rd Sunday of the Month​​​​
Tuesday: 4:15PM - 5:15PM​
(during Lent, March 18th through April 15th)
Thursday: 5:00PM - 6:30PM
Saturday: 9:00AM - 10:30AM
Adoration Chapel doors open daily:
6:00AM - 9:00PM
Adoration keys to access outside of these times can be requested from the parish office. At SVDP we offer Perpetual Adoration, with continuous exposition and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 24-hours a day. We invite you to help cover all hours by committing to ONE hour with Jesus.
Daily Readings
Daily readings for Mass are available here​
mass ministry schedule
Check out when you are scheduled to serve in March
For Holiday / Holy Day schedules and Mass times, see the upcoming events section below!