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Confirmation deepens our baptismal life that calls us to be missionary witnesses of Jesus Christ in our families, neighborhoods, society, and the world. In the Sacrament of Confirmation, the baptized person is "sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit" and is strengthened for service to the Body of Christ.
What is a Columbarium?hi. The word “columbarium” is derived from the Latin word “columbary” which describes a structure for the nesting of doves – the dove being the symbol of The Holy Spirit. “Columbarium” then, refers to a burial niche for the containment of cremated remains.
Is cremation accepted by the Catholic Church?The Catholic Church has allowed for the practice of cremation since 1963. Because the human body has an eternal dignity, the Church requires that the cremated remains of a body be buried or entombed immediately after the funeral in the same timely manner as a body.
What are the benefits of using a Columbarium?The St. Vincent de Paul Columbarium offers a family the opportunity to respectfully memorialize the cremated remains of their loved ones. This gives the bereaved a location to visit, reflect, and remember their loved ones in a protected and venerated place. This option also eliminates some of the costs associated with a traditional burial.
What is perpetual maintenance & care?The term “perpetual care” generally refers to the funds used for the SVDP Cemetery’s and Columbarium’s general upkeep. This mostly includes landscaping and lawn mowing during the growing season. These funds also help keep the roads and paths maintained for visitors.
When I purchase a plot in the Cemetery or a niche in the Columbarium, do I actually “own” it?"No. Both Cemetery burial plot owners and niche owners in our Columbarium are granted only the right of interment in their plot or niche. The Cemetery and Columbarium Board reserve the right to refuse to permit the interment of anyone who was not, at the time of death, the owner of the plot or niche, or a relative by blood or marriage who is entitled to a Catholic interment according to the Roman Catholic Church. The interment of non-Catholics who are not members of SVDP Parish shall be at the discretion of the Pastor or Board.
Visiting the CemeteryFor the safety of our families, guests, and caretakers, as well as in respect for those buried within our Cemetery, we do not allow dogs (except service dogs), dog walking, bicycle riding, jogging, loud music, alcohol, barbecues, or similar recreational activities on cemetery property. Please use care while driving inside the cemetery and do not block roads, walkways or other cars when parking. Do not park on the grass. Lock all valuables inside your car out of sight. Firearms and other weapons are prohibited except for a military salute during interment by the property authorities. Children must be supervised by an adult at all times and are never permitted to run or play within the cemetery. St. Vincent de Paul Cemetery is private property.
When is the Cemetery open?St. Vincent de Paul Cemetery is open every day of the year from sunrise to sunset.
Grave DecorationsAll decorations are subject to removal at the discretion of the groundskeeping crew, especially if it interferes with the Cemetery’s lawn care or other maintenance procedures. This is done in order to keep our cemetery clean and well-maintained. Please consider this when placing flowers, decorations, or other personal items on the graves. All grave decorations must be placed on, or within 6” of the front of, the headstone or momument. Fresh and artificial flowers are allowed but must be secured in a vase (non-glass). During strong winds, flowers can be blown from the vase. When this happens, we are unable to determine where they belong and must discard them. Empty plastic containers (e.g., water bottles, laundry detergent containers, milk jugs, etc.) are NOTconsidered vases and they, along with their contents, will be discarded. Fresh flowers are to be removed after they wilt. Artificial flowers and other items or decorations left on the graves and at the Cemetery will be removed on a regular basis when they become faded, broken, or unsightly at the discretion of the groundskeeping crew. Flowers, live shrubs, or trees may not be planted on the gravesite or on cemetery property. The following items are strictly prohibited on all grave sites and on the cemetery property. These items will be discarded during regularly scheduled maintenance. Alcohol of any kind. Candles (both lit and/or unlit). Glass containers of any kind. This includes vases. All glass flower vases and containers must be removed from the grave after interment has ended. Fences/Borders that seek to separate or distinguish one grave from another grave. Lights of any kind (e.g., garden solar lights, LED track lighting, flood lights). Seasonal grave decorations (Christmas, Easter, Independence Day, etc.) are allowed to remain on the grave during the following times. After that time, items will be discarded. 14 days after initial burial October 25 – November 5 (Día de Los Muertos, All Souls, All Saints days) December 20 – January 5 (Christmas and New Year’s holidays) Holy Thursday – Easter Monday (Easter holiday) To assist with the upkeep of the Cemetery property, we ask that you take your wilted flowers, any discarded items, and trash with you. Do not leave them on cemetery property. All headstones, grave markers, or any type of memorial must be approved by the St. Vincent de Paul cemetery management. Any memorial that has not been approved will be removed. Please see Memorials sections for more details. St. Vincent de Paul is not responsible for theft of, or damage to flowers or other items left on cemetery property. St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Parish and the Cemetery do not reimburse the family or visitors for the cost of the flowers or other items missing from graves, or damage caused by grave decorations.
Memorials: Headstones, Grave Markers & MonumentsThe size, material, and design of a headstone, grave marker, monument or other memorial is governed by the rules of the cemetery in effect at the time, and are subject to the approval of St. Vincent de Paul cemetery management. All headstones, grave markers, monuments or memorials must be installed by a qualified monument contractor, following all cemetery installation guidelines. Prior to ordering a memorial, a proof layout of the memorial must be submitted via email or fax to cemetery management for approval. The Cemetery caretaker must be contacted at least two days in advance of the monument installation date to arrange for the grave space to be properly marked. All grave monuments, markers, and memorials placed in the cemetery shall be granite, marble or bronze. The following memorials are not permitted. If found on the grave site, the Cemetery caretaker will remove. The owner will have 30 days to contact the Cemetery caretaker and retrieve the memorial. Homemade or Ornamental Crosses Concrete or homemade headstones Permanent markers are not allowed in the baby miscarriage section of the Cemetery. IMPORTANT NOTE: No plot owner is permitted to transfer burial privilege to anyone without the consent of the Cemetery. Furthermore, under no circumstances can an owner sell his/her burial privilege to anyone other than the Cemetery.
Installation of Grave Monuments (To be shared with Grave Monument Installers)A foundation must be installed under all monuments, consisting of one of the following: An 8” thick dry pour of concrete mix, or a 4” thick poured concrete slab, or a 4” thick pre-cast concrete pad. Foundations should extend at least 2” beyond the outside perimeter of the monument base. Foundations must be level, with the finished grade slightly below ground level. All monuments and flat markers must have a foundation regardless of size. All upright monuments must be adhered to the base with a high-quality Monument Setting Compound. The maximum height for all monuments, where permitted, is 48”. All monuments over 36” in height must be both pinned and adhered to the base with a high-quality Monument Setting Compound. Monuments may not exceed 42” in width on a single grave, 60” in width on a double grave, or 24” in width on graves located in the child section. Monuments may not extend in depth over 18” from the head of the grave. Setting of monuments over grave openings is not allowed. The size limit on the grave marker in the child's section is 24" wide (side to side), 30" high, and 12" deep (from head to toe). Improperly installed monuments will have to be corrected or relocated at the expense of the monument installer. Markers installed in the Flat Marker Only section of the cemetery must be placed with finished surface at ground level. All Foot Markers must be placed with finished surface at ground level.
Interment & Funeral Guidelines (To be shared with Funeral Home)Contact the Cemetery Caretaker at least two days in advance of the burial to arrange for the grave space to be properly marked. Please complete the Request for Monument Installation form on our website or call the parish office to speak to the Cemetery caretaker. The use of one grave space shall be limited to interments as follows unless otherwise permitted by the Cemetery: One adult burial, or One adult burial and one urn of cremated remains, or Two urns of cremated remains Outer Burial Containers are required. At a minimum, a two-piece concrete grave liner must be used. Domed Burial Vaults constructed of concrete or steel (12 gauge or heavier) are recommended. Lightweight steel boxes or sectional concrete liners are not permitted. Polypropylene, plastic or fiberglass outer burial containers, must be approved in advance by the cemetery caretaker. A specification sheet of the product must be furnished and approved before these types of containers can be used in the cemetery. Outer burial containers are not required for infant burials or cremated remains. Graves opened prior to the time of the burial must be securely covered with plywood or other durable material and the area sealed off with barricade or caution tape to minimize the risk of injuries to visitors. Avoid using heavy trucks that leave ruts in the grass. Any ruts or other damage must be filled with top soil and re-seeded the grave service. Graves should be back-filled with soil free from large lumps and large rocks. Soil should be packed during back-filling to minimize cavities and sinking. Grave are to be filled to the top, leaving a mound of no more than 8 inches of smooth, clean top soil, reserved from the excavating; and raked smooth. Unused red dirt and rocks must be hauled off from the cemetery. Dumping of red dirt or rock is not allowed on cemetery property.
How much does a burial plot cost?Burial Plot Cost: Registered Parishioners: $600 Non-Parishioners: $1,000 Registered Parishioner – 3’ x 5’ Child Plot: $200 Non-Parishioner – 3’ x 5’ Child Plot: $400 Includes: • Single Plot For 1 Person • Interment Right • Perpetual Maintenance & Care Interested in purchasing a burial plot? Contact, Tom DeRose | | (479) 636-4020 ext. 21
Visiting the ColumbariumFor the safety of our families, guests, and caretakers, as well as in respect for those interred within our Columbarium, we do not allow dogs (except service dogs), dog walking, bicycle riding, jogging, loud music, alcohol, barbecues, or similar recreational activities in the Columbarium garden. Firearms and other weapons are prohibited except for a military salute during interment by the proper authorities. Children must be supervised by an adult at all times and are never permitted to run or play within the columbarium. Visitors are asked to be respectful at all times, especially during the celebration of Mass, and we encourage them to participate in the liturgy. St. Vincent de Paul Columbarium is private property.
When is the Columbarium open?St. Vincent de Paul Columbarium is open every day of the year from sunrise to sunset.
Niche DecorationsNiche decorations are limited. This is done in order to keep our Columbarium clean and well-maintained. Only fresh flowers are allowed and must be securely fastened in the provided containers located in specifically-designated flower beds of the columbarium. During strong winds, flowers can be blown from the vase. When this happens, we are unable to determine where they belong and must discard them. Fresh flowers will be removed after they wilt at the discretion of the groundskeeping crew. Flowers, live shrubs, or trees may not be planted on the Columbarium or Church property. Decorative ornaments, emblems, or other items with adhesive, or writing on niches and/or the name plate with any type of marking pen, paint or lipstick, is prohibited. The following items are strictly prohibited in the columbarium garden or outdoors on Church property. These items will be discarded during regularly scheduled maintenance. Alcohol of any kind (in accordance to city ordinance). Candles (both lit and/or unlit) (except during the internment procession). Glass containers of any kind. This includes vases. All glass flower vases and containers must be removed from the columbarium after interment service has ended. Lights of any kind (e.g., garden solar lights, LED track lighting, flood lights). Balloons, cards, or notes Any item affixed on the granite face. St. Vincent de Paul is not responsible for theft of, or damage to flowers or other items left on columbarium or Church property. The Columbarium nor St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Parish does not reimburse the family or visitors for the cost of the flowers or other items missing from the Columbarium.
Columbarium Interment & Funeral Guidelines (To be shared with Funeral Home)Each niche is for single interment only. Contact the Columbarium caretaker at least two days in advance of the interment to confirm niche location and to ensure it is prepared for interment. Engraving of the niche plate is of uniform size and style as prescribed by the columbarium committee, and is provided with the cost paid when used. Each niche face will have a name for the interred person. Only one name shall be inscribed on the name plate. No titles. Only the first, middle, and last name, date of birth, and date of death of the deceased is to be inscribed on the name plate. Engraving may take up to several weeks to complete. Only religious services of the Roman Catholic Church, or those approved by the Pastor, are permitted in the Columbarium. At least one family member to be interred in the St. Vincent de Paul Columbarium must be Roman Catholic in order to purchase a niche. No organizations, except for those designated by the statues of the Diocese of Little Rock, are allowed to march as a body in the Columbarium. IMPORTANT NOTE: No niche owner is permitted to transfer interment privilege to anyone without the consent of the Columbarium caretaker. Furthermore, under no circumstances can an owner sell his/her interment privilege to anyone other than the Columbarium caretaker.
Liability & RelocationAshes of the faithful departed may be removed/relocated at the request of the niche owner upon approval of the Columbarium Committee. The niche owner is responsible for any and all paperwork that may be required by the government for transporting the ashes. No liability is assumed by St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Parish for any loss or damage to cremated remains due to vandalism, acts of nature, or the process of removal and relocation. Niches shall be opened only under the direction of the Columbarium caretaker or his designated associates.
How much does a niche cost?Niche Cost: Registered Parishioners: $1,200 Non-Parishioners: $1,500 Includes: • Single Niche Cylinder for 1 Person • 7.5” x 7.5” Engraved Granite Niche Face Plate (Full Name, Date of Birth & Date of Death ONLY) • Interment Right • Perpetual Maintenance & Care Interested in purchasing a Columbarium niche? Contact, Tom DeRose | | (479) 636-4020 ext. 21
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