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Faith Formation for Youth

1st Communion

"I thirst" (John 19:28)

"These were among Jesus' last words. We all thirst.

We spend our lives seeking fulfillment. We look in so many places.

We seek fame, power, money, security, pleasure. The list goes on and on.

When these fail; we seek distraction. Our culture has excelled at distraction.

It is full of noise and amusement. However, these too fail.

Only one thing satisfies- and that is Jesus.

After our long search in all these other places; at last we can find the one who understands us and fulfills us."

– St. John Paul Il


The "iThirst" program gives families support in teaching their children to know, love, and serve God and grow in their faith.

Our vision for the participants in "iThirst" is that they will know Christ; understand His word, grow in their own understanding of the Catholic faith; participate in the sacraments, and be able to share the love of Christ with others.

"Welcome to God's Family"

By Baptism we become members of the Church, the Body of Christ. In Baptism, the Holy Spirit moves us to answer Christ's call to holiness. In Baptism, we are asked to walk by the light of Christ and to trust in his wisdom. We are invited to submit our hearts to Christ with ever deeper love.


As you are seeking the baptism of your child (under 6 years old) in the Roman Catholic Church, please follow the following steps to help you embark upon this journey of faith with Christ and his Church.

"Going to Mass"

As your child begins their journey into full time school we offer helpful resources to aid the family at Mass for your new Kindergartener. Once your child is registered in the program they will receive information that the family will be able to work on each week. Kindergarteners do not meet in a class but are invited to attend Mass each weekend with their families.

Image by Ben White
1st Reconciliation
& 1st Eucharist

SVDP Faith Formation works together with the family to prepare those seeking 1st Reconciliation and 1st Eucharist. The journey is a 2 year preparation process. The 1st year of preparation we introduce prayers, Catholic traditions and details about the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist. The 2nd year of preparation we dive deeper into prayer, Catholic traditions and make sure each child is ready to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist. This journey is so important that we ask our parents to join the parent formation sessions at the same time as the student formation. We offer two parallel programs one on Wednesday and one on Sunday, both taught in English. Sunday’s parent formation is taught in Spanish and Wednesday’s parent formation is in English. This program is designed for students entering into 1st grade through students entering into 11th grade.


Grades 3-5
"Bible Adventure Club"

Bible Adventure Club is a program designed for 3rd - 5th grade kids that have received the Sacrament of Eucharist. Kids will journey through the Catholic bible learning how to read it. Kids will also enjoy games, skits and fun activities that will help deepen their love for the Lord.


Image by Ben White
Grades 6-7

The middle school youth program is designed to be a place of community and growing in our faith together. Students participating in the SVDP Youth Faith Formation Program will be given opportunities for fellowship, catechesis, bible studies, service projects, social events and much more. We are all called to be disciples of Christ, and we are here to build a family of disciples while living in the 21st century!



The Confirmation journey begins in the 8th grade, and the sacrament is administered at the end of 9th grade. We also offer 9th - 12th grade Confirmation, both programs are 2 years.

Throughout the two-year Confirmation preparation journey, students will be utilizing various resources as guides and references to gain a deeper understanding of their Catholic faith, what it means to be confirmed, and how they are being called right now. The primary resource being utilized is Life Teen's Purpose Program as well as Ascension Press's Chosen.

We offer two parallel programs one on Wednesday and one on Sunday, both taught in English. Sunday’s parent formation is taught in Spanish and Wednesday’s parent formation is in English.


Baptism, Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation
7-17 years old

These sacraments of initiation are offer to families that have children over the age of 7 and have not been baptized or have not been baptized in the Catholic Faith. The journey is a 2 year preparation process. The 1st year of preparation we introduce prayers, Catholic traditions and details about the Sacraments. The 2nd year of preparation we dive deeper into prayer, Catholic traditions and make sure each child is ready to receive the Sacraments of Initiation. This journey is so important that we ask our parents to join the parent formation sessions at the same time as the student formation. We offer two parrel programs one on Wednesday and one on Sunday,  both taught in English.  Sunday’s parent formation is taught in Spanish and Wednesday’s parent formation is in English.


Presentation of a Child

This presentation and blessing of the three year old child is the tradition of giving thanks to God for the gift of this child's life as well as a renewed dedication of their life to God and the petition of God's blessing and protection on the child and his family. The ritual is in honor of the Virgin Mary's presentation at the temple and the Presentation of the Baby Jesus.If you wish to celebrate a presentation of a child, please contact Susie Hollmann at 479-636-4020 ext. 11 or

Grades 10-12

The high school youth program is designed to be a place of community and growing in our faith together. Students participating in the SVDP Youth Faith Formation Program will be given opportunities for fellowship, catechesis, bible studies, service projects, social events and much more. We are all called to be disciples of Christ, and we are here to build a family of disciples while living in the 21st century!



The Quinceañera is a traditional celebration of life and gratitude to God on the occasion of the fifteenth birthday of a young Hispanic woman. 

After the Liturgy of the Word, the Quinceañera makes a commitment to God and the Blessed Virgin to live out the rest of her life according to the teachings of Christ and the Church by renewing her Baptismal promises.


If you wish to celebrate a Quinceañera Mass, please contact Lorena Herrera at 479-636-4020 ext. 54 or

Safe Environment

The Diocese of Little Rock is committed to protecting children and young people.

St. Vincent de Paul
Catholic Church

1416 West Poplar Street

Rogers, AR 72758


Office:  (479) 636-4020

Fax:  (479) 631-2548


Office Hours:

Monday – Thursday:  9AM – 5PM

Friday:  9AM – 12PM

Saturday:  Closed

Sunday:  Closed


"Uniquely Catholic" Gift Store Hours:

-  Open during office hours

-  Open for ~30 min. after Mass on weekends

Contact us:

Thank you for contacting us! Someone will be in contact with you soon. God Bless.

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